Revenge porn may be a common problem on U.S. college campuses

Revenge porn is the distribution of sexually explicit images or videos of individuals without their consent. The sexually explicit images or video may be made by a partner in an intimate relationship with the knowledge and consent of the subject at the time, or it may be made without their knowledge.

So, let’s say you were in a relationship with someone last year and sent explicit pics or videos of yourself to that other person. She/he would be guilty of revenge porn if they distributed those pics/videos to others without your approval.

EAST LANSING, Mich. — Despite laws aimed at stopping someone’s private or intimate photos from ending up online without their consent, a new study finds the disturbing trend may still be an issue at colleges around the United States. Researchers from Michigan State University say visits to “slutpages” and revenge porn sites may be a common activity for these young adults.

Their study reveals students and young people are increasingly uploading intimate pictures or videos of women on smartphones without their consent. Researchers find up to one in three university students are viewing these pages. One in 10 admit to using a secret app to store or share nude images. One in 30 respondents say they post nude images or videos of women online without permission.

“Use of these sites has significant implications for the victims featured on the pages,” says corresponding author Dr. Megan Maas, an assistant professor in human development and family studies, in a media release.

“Previous research indicates that victims of non-consensual pornography distribution experience post-traumatic stress disorder, anxiety and depression. Due to the semi-private nature of these sites, they are difficult to regulate, but as they are often linked to specific high schools or universities, campus-specific interventions could be used to deter their use.”


The video below isn’t directly related to the article but contains relevant information about the topic.

‘Revenge porn’ law will allow people to sue those who share intimate photos

Apr 17, 2018
CBC News
3 min, 11 sec

The Newfoundland and Labrador government plans to introduce legislation to deter people from sharing non-consensual, nude or explicit pictures. It will give victims of “revenge porn” the right to launch a civil lawsuit.




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