Study: Gun buyers more prone to ‘political violence’

A study conducted by the University of California-Davis’ Violence Prevention Research Program sheds light on a concerning trend among Americans who have purchased firearms since the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic. The findings suggest that a significant portion of these gun owners are more willing to engage in political violence against their fellow citizens.

According to the report, which surveyed approximately 13,000 gun owners who purchased their weapons over the last four years, 39% of respondents expressed support for the use of violence to achieve political objectives. This indicates a troubling willingness among a plurality of gun owners to resort to violence for political ends.

Of particular concern are the responses from owners of AR-15 style assault weapons, where 42% expressed support for political violence, as well as from more recent gun buyers, among whom 44% supported such actions.

Moreover, a majority (56%) of gun owners who openly carry their firearms in public indicated their willingness to carry out political violence.

The study’s principal author, Garen Wintemute, views the issue of American political violence as a public health concern, underscoring the urgent need for attention and intervention.

The report’s publication in Jama Network Open, a respected medical journal, highlights the gravity of the findings and emphasizes the importance of addressing this issue. With the potential for armed individuals willing to engage in political violence present in public spaces across the US, there is a clear imperative for comprehensive efforts aimed at prevention and mitigation.

The recent political violence witnessed, notably the events of January 6, 2021, underscores the urgency of addressing this issue. While some initial condemnations were made, subsequent actions and statements from political figures, including former President Donald Trump, raise further concerns about the normalization and potential legitimization of such violence.

Efforts to address this concerning trend must encompass both policy measures and broader societal interventions aimed at promoting non-violent means of political expression and conflict resolution. Failure to address these underlying factors risks further escalation of political violence and poses significant risks to public safety and social cohesion.




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