How dangerous is cannabis? Dispelling myths and clarifying the facts

In this comprehensive fact check, we aim to debunk common myths and provide accurate information regarding the dangers of cannabis use. Despite its legalization in several countries, there is still a significant amount of misinformation surrounding this controversial substance. We will address four key claims and present evidence-based insights to shed light on the subject.

Is cannabis a gateway drug?

Claim: Cannabis is labeled as a “gateway drug” by some, implying that its use leads to the consumption of more dangerous substances.

Fact: The theory that cannabis use acts as a gateway to harder drugs is unproven. While studies have shown a correlation between cannabis use and later experimentation with illicit drugs, correlation does not establish causation.

Experts emphasize that the majority of cannabis users do not progress to using more dangerous substances. The claim that cannabis serves as a gateway drug remains inconclusive.

Is alcohol more dangerous than cannabis?
Claim: Some argue that alcohol is over 100 times more dangerous than cannabis, implying that cannabis is relatively safer.

Fact: The assertion that alcohol is significantly more dangerous than cannabis is misleading. While it is true that alcohol poses various risks to health and societal well-being, the comparison between the two substances is complex.

Alcohol’s intoxicating effects differ from those of cannabis, and both can have adverse consequences. Comparing them based on a single number, as the claim suggests, oversimplifies the issue. The overall risks associated with each substance depend on factors such as usage patterns, individual sensitivity, and potential interactions with other substances.

Can you die from excessive cannabis use?

Claim: Some claim that there have been no recorded deaths solely due to cannabis overdose.

Fact: It is true that no recorded death has been attributed solely to cannabis overdose. However, the impact of cannabis on mortality remains a topic of discussion and ongoing scientific research.

Previous studies involving high doses of cannabis administered to animals did not result in fatalities. Nonetheless, instances of cannabis-related deaths, often involving other substances or factors, have been reported.

The likelihood of a single cannabis overdose leading to death is considered negligible.

However, the long-term effects and potential risks associated with cannabis use warrant further investigation.

Does cannabis kill brain cells?

Claim: Certain sources argue that marijuana does not kill brain cells.

Fact: The impact of cannabis on brain cells has not been definitively proven or disproven. Previous studies examining the long-term effects of cannabis on brain structure have produced conflicting results. Although cannabis does affect neurophysiology, the extent of its neurotoxicity and potential brain damage, specifically caused by the primary active ingredient THC, remains uncertain.

Short-term memory, psychomotor coordination, and attention span can be impaired after acute cannabis use, but these effects appear to be reversible with abstinence. It is worth noting that cannabis use during the brain’s developmental stage, especially in young individuals, may pose greater risks.

Claim: Cannabis could be hazardous for people under 18.

Fact: Absolutely. There is no denying the potential harm that cannabis use can have on the developing brains of young individuals. The brain undergoes significant changes during the transition from childhood to adulthood, making it particularly vulnerable to the effects of substances like cannabis.

The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) warns that marijuana use before the age of 18 can impact the brain’s ability to form connections related to crucial functions such as attention, memory, and learning.

However, the effects of marijuana on the brain are influenced by various factors. These factors include the amount of THC consumed, the frequency of use, the age at which cannabis use begins, and whether it is used in conjunction with other substances like alcohol or tobacco.

It is also important to acknowledge that long-term effects on the brain may be influenced by factors unrelated to marijuana use, such as genetics, home environment, or other unknown variables. Therefore, it is essential to consider the broader context when examining the impact of cannabis on brain development.

Given these considerations, it is crucial for young individuals to exercise caution when it comes to cannabis use. Understanding the potential risks and making informed decisions based on personal circumstances, along with consulting healthcare professionals and trusted sources, is vital in safeguarding brain health during this critical developmental stage.

Claim: Cannabis obtained via the black market can be dangerous

Fact: True. Cannabis products obtained from the black market have an uncertain cannabinoid profile. These products often contain minimal amounts of CBD, which is known for its potential therapeutic properties, while being high in THC, the primary psychoactive compound.

Additionally, there is a concern that illicit cannabis products might be adulterated with hazardous substances such as synthetic opioids or cannabinoids. Considering these risks, many doctors advise teenagers against using cannabis, stating that refraining from smoking marijuana would benefit their brain health.


In conclusion, understanding the risks associated with cannabis use requires careful consideration of scientific evidence. While claims such as cannabis being a gateway drug or alcohol being significantly more dangerous should be approached with caution, it is important to acknowledge that cannabis use, like any substance, can have both physical and mental health implications.

Further research is needed to fully comprehend the long-term effects and potential risks associated with cannabis use. As discussions around cannabis continue, it is crucial to rely on accurate and up-to-date information for informed decision-making.




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